Problem Solving Leadership Workshop (PSL)
PSL is the entry point to a collection of W & W Seminars, your first step on a new life journey.
We believe in the uniqueness of learning styles, so we offer you a spectrum of ways to view PSL:
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
I'm ready to go.
How do I get my boss to support me?
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
How to Register, When? Where? How Much?
by Jerry Fan | Congruent Leadership Change Shop, Problem Solving Leadership
Once I complete PSL, what new doors are open to me?
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
Who Comes to PSL?
What Organizations?
Who Teaches?
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
History and Philosophy PSL was created in 1974 by Dani and Jerry Weinberg and Don Gause to develop leaders who can effectively manage change and practice innovation. As PSL has evolved, over 3,000 people from all over the globe have taken the workshop and have used...
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
The students aren't the only ones who learn in PSL. What do faculty say about their PSL experiences?
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
What do graduates say about their PSL experiences and what happens afterwards?
by Jerry Fan | Problem Solving Leadership
What do graduates say about their PSL experiences and what happens afterwards?