Some links and articles:
Personal Chemistry and the Healthy Body – (based on an interview for software people I gave decades ago, which still seems relevant today):
Dorset House: Sidebar links to various interviews about books and book topics:
Books & Articles on Quality

The Virtual Cyber Cudgel
by Gerald M. Weinberg In 1977, Tom Gilb and I published a book called Humanized Input: Techniques for Reliable Keyed Input. We hoped to improve the pitiful state of input design for computer systems, and ten years later, we imagined we were beginning to see some...Test Trimming: A Fable about Testing
Throughout my career, I’ve watched in dismay as one software manager after another falls into the trap of achieving delivery schedules by trimming tests. Some managers shortcut test work by skipping reviewing and unit testing in the middle of their project. Others...Treaties to Deal with Communication and Conflict
Manage interfaces.
Amplifying Your Effectiveness
Amplifying Your Effectiveness
Rethinking Systems Analysis and Design
Rethinking Systems Analysis and Design
Perfect Software: And Other Illusions about Testing
Perfect Software: And Other Illusions about Testing
The Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews
The Handbook of Walkthroughs, Inspections, and Technical Reviews
Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design
Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design
Understanding the Professional Programmer
Understanding the Professional Programmer
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 4: Anticipating Change
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 4: Anticipating Change
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 3: Congruent Action
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 3: Congruent Action
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 2: First-Order Measurement
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 2: First-Order Measurement
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 1: Systems Thinking
Quality Software Management (Quality Software Series) Volume 1: Systems Thinking I have now converted the contents to two new eBooks: Sample and/or Buy either ebook through: KINDLE Barnes & Noble Smashwords Buy at Amazon.com Here are some reviews: “Weinberg...