Articles and Essays
by Jerry Fan | Essays
At Company S, The developers were incredibly capable of designing and implementing fabulous product. The company was started by all engineering/development people, and we didn’t know how to attract any other kind of marketing, or senior management capability to...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
The author comments: This paper was composed as an exercise in criticizing the design of experiments. You may wish to test your scientific acumen by identifying as many fallacies as you can – then compare these with your favorite experiment in software...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
Gerald M. Weinberg The author comments: Over the years, I’ve tried to show managers and developers how much serious damage mistakes can cause, but seriousness doesn’t seem to carry much weight with software folks. So, instead, I’ve decided to offer...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
In the previous two articles we’ve talked about managing software projects. The first article focused on how traditional project management techniques fall short of addressing the inherent uncertainty in software development. The second article looked at three...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
This article is the second in a three-part series exploring how you can keep a better handle on your software development project to ensure it doesn’t spin out of control or face cancellation before the product’s release. One major reason for having...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
Don Willerton This article is the first in a three-part series exploring how you can keep a better handle on your software development project to ensure it doesn’t spin out of control or face cancellation before the product’s release. Because software...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
Rick Brenner +-+-+ Project management? A complete course requires Ten simple haiku. – Jerry +-+-+ I Our project was late, so we added more people. The problem got worse. II When requirements changed, the schedule did not – were we headed for trouble? III...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
In teaching software process improvement and discipline, I sometimes encounter a phenomenon I describe as “The Tsunami of Whining.” (Tsunami is a Japanese word for “Tidal Wave.”) Some students complain about certain issues and often do so in a...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
A few years ago I was having dinner with some Canadian friends. They raised an interesting issue. “You Americans are an incredibly militaristic society! You declare a ‘War on Drugs’, a ‘War on Poverty’, a ‘War on Crime’. Your...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
As an independent consultant, earning a living by helping organizations improve software development processes, I am blessed with a wonderful life where I get to experience a variety of places with the good and bad behaviors that make each one unique. Something that...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
When consulting with organizations to establish a software process improvement program, one of my initial questions is, “Why do you want to do this?” The responses that I hear most often relate to the issue of software development productivity: “We...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
An open letter to my friends embarking on a Corporate Change Project: If If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
(Through me is the way into the city of woe, through me is the way to eternal sorrow, through me is the way to an abandoned people. Sacred justice moved my creator: I was made by divine omnipotence, the highest wisdom, and the original love. Before me there was...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
When you first start training in Aikido it is the tricks that hook you. It looks like magic, which it is: consciously executed technique, refined through practice, applying models of human interaction, to manage those interactions. Magic. It becomes more real and...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
I’ve been reading the discussion on training with some interest. I have a few training models that I find helpful, that have been triggered by recent contributions. In local government we have frequent discussions about the proper use of bonds. The consensus...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
I shall take advantage of this opportunity to unburden myself on you with a little story. You know, before I was a programmer, I was a barber. One day I was sitting in my shop when a fellow came in carrying some shears that one might use to trim a hedge. He had long...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
Abstract This is the story of my experiences helping implement change and improve software development practices at Lotus, a multi-billion dollar company, over a two-year period. We used the Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM)...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
We’ve frequently heard that art imitates life and life imitates art. More recently, the late mythologist and author Joseph Campbell suggested that likewise our science, as a form of human expression, also imitates life and conversely. Thus we might look to our...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
Man’s achievements rest upon the use of symbols. – Alfred Korzybski Higher order abstractions of lower order referents. This is not recognized as a sentence. If fact, it is not recognized at all! This is something we learn to do as soon as we learn to...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
© Dan Starr, 1998 We all know that software’s special. It’s a magical discipline that creates wonderful special effects, makes machines talk, controls both the motors in our cars and the robots that build those cars, and brings unlimited information and...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
© 1998, Beth Schmitz You enter the meeting room filled with people. The agenda lists The Big Decision. You feel the energy and excitement pulsing from person to person. You are exhilarated and scared — exhilarated because these people can move mountains; scared...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
INTRODUCTION The following five examples were originally written in response to questions that Don Willerton posed in SEM96 and SEM97 e-mail dialogues. His questions were “Why do projects fail?” “How do you train project managers?” In thinking...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
We do not know at this point if these (software process improvement) results are typical. We think the best way of interpreting these results is to view them as indicators of what is possible, given a supportive environment. – J. Herbsleb et al. (1) This book is...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
We discovered that the key reason for our lack of competitiveness was poor management-by worldwide, not U.S. standards. We were being wiped out by the Japanese because they were better managers. It wasn’t robotics, or culture, or morning calisthenics and the...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
“When you can measure what you are speaking about and can express it in numbers, you know something about it. But when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind.” – Lord Kelvin...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
“Poor management can increase software costs more rapidly than any other factor.” – Barry Boehm (1) This book is a kind of an Anniversary present, commemorating my 40-year love affair with computers. Early in 1950, I read a Time magazine cover story...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
Marjan’s thread identifies an issue that many people will recognize. If I may, I would like to offer some analysis of the general problem of specialist verses generalist and the related problem of competence and understanding about competence in the real world....
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Feedback
The Great Chain of Learnings Brian Pioreck Below is part of a message that I received today from a former client. I couldn’t help but think of the closing ceremony in Change Shop. Frank only has part of an idea about how much of all of you… and the entire...
by Jerry Fan | Essays
© Don Willerton Los Alamos National Laboratories The Pillows There’s a pile of pillows on the floor. Surrounding the pillows are about a dozen people, seated on the floor, giving their attention to an instructor who kneels within reach of the pile. Each person,...
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Software
Delays are here to stay. Learn to handle them.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Software
One-time programs should be much cheaper.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Software
Though there have been many improvements in software development in the last 20 years, our aspirations may have grown faster than our abilities. Despite improvements in hardware, tools, and processes, we still lag in our ability to spread the best management practices to more than a small fraction of organizations.
by Jerry Fan | Communication, Essays
©2007 Jerry Weinberg Contract professionals, on the average, change jobs more often than employees, so they are involved in lots of interviews.† One of our SHAPE forum threads was started by Pat Ferdinandi, an independent consultant, who complained: “I am continually...
by Jerry Fan | Communication, Essays
Establish your own context before you start.
by Jerry Fan | Communication, Essays
Improve your negotiating.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Thinking
Keep your brain in shape.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Thinking
What strategy really leads to creativity?
by Jerry Fan | Communication, Essays, Thinking
Establish the other's context before you start.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Thinking
How to hand millions of excuses.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Thinking
Learn to be skeptical about predictions.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Thinking
Don't let others put your mind to sleep.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Thinking
Here's a technique for fast searching.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Quality
by Gerald M. Weinberg In 1977, Tom Gilb and I published a book called Humanized Input: Techniques for Reliable Keyed Input. We hoped to improve the pitiful state of input design for computer systems, and ten years later, we imagined we were beginning to see some...
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Quality, Software
Throughout my career, I’ve watched in dismay as one software manager after another falls into the trap of achieving delivery schedules by trimming tests. Some managers shortcut test work by skipping reviewing and unit testing in the middle of their project. Others...
by Jerry Fan | Communication, Essays, Quality
Manage interfaces.
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Leadership
The Technology of Cooperation
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Leadership
Safety Check
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Leadership
Managing the Group Meeting
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Leadership
What’s Your IQ?
by Jerry Fan | Essays, Leadership
Exceptions are here to stay. Deal with them.